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The Schellman Blog

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Alex Hsiung is a Manager with Schellman based in Los Angeles, CA. Prior to joining Schellman in 2015, Alex worked as an Associate at KPMG, specializing in Sarbanes-Oxley compliance audits and IT advisory engagements. Alex also led and supported various other projects, including business process and information technology readiness assessments, internal audit services and regulatory compliance engagements. Over 2 years of experience comprised of serving clients in various industries, including financial services, healthcare and manufacturing. Alex is a dedicated member of the ISO Service Team.

Blog Feature

January 30th, 2019

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has released a second edition to ISO 27018, its guidance for cloud service providers who process personally identifiable information (PII), which was initially released in 2014. As we know, the world of information technology and the protection of PII is an ever-evolving concern. We addressed how ISO 27018 interplays with other key regulations (such as the GDPR) here. Now with this new guidance set forth from ISO, it begs the question: is this a major or minor change?

Blog Feature

ISO Certifications

May 11th, 2017

Cloud computing technologies have revolutionized the way organizations manage and store their information. Where companies used to house and maintain their own data, a host of organizations have now made the switch to a cloud-based model due to the ease of use and cost-saving benefits promised by the cloud.
