Francisco Araujo is a Senior Associate with Schellman. Prior to joining Schellman in June 2017, Francisco worked as the IT Internal Auditor for LendingClub, Inc. Francisco specialized in SOX, SOC, and various IT Internal Audits covering enterprise, business, and cyber security risks. As a Senior Associate with Schellman, Francisco will focus primarily on SOC and ISO Audits for organizations across various industries.
Assurance / Service Audits | SOC Examinations
April 16th, 2018
Imagine this, it's a late Wednesday afternoon and you are wrapping up your previous SOC engagement while simultaneously working on your current engagement. A check of your upcoming schedule reveals that next week, yet another SOC engagement for a client in your area looms. Juggling multiple engagements can be tricky, but must less so if there’s a tried and true process that’s become routine. Here are five easy steps to help an auditor prepare for a SOC engagement.