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The Schellman Blog

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Phil Dorczuk is a Senior Associate with Schellman. Prior to joining Schellman, LLC in 2013, Phil worked as a PCI DSS auditor with Coalfire Systems and a consultant at GTRI. At Coalfire, Phil specialized in PCI DSS audits and gap assessments and at GTRI specialized in Cisco network equipment installation and configuration.

Blog Feature

Payment Card Assessments | PCI DSS

September 9th, 2024

Historically, PCI DSS has treated most service accounts as shared administrator accounts that had to be authorized with specific privileges using strong authentication factors. But now, version 4.0 of the PCI DSS has greatly expanded the scope of authentication and authorization requirements—while you’ll still need to secure those administrator accounts, you’ll now also need to implement controls to protect any application and service accounts in your environment.

Blog Feature

Payment Card Assessments

February 9th, 2023

When developing software securely, many organizations have traditionally relied primarily on administrative security controls—i.e., policy and procedure documents that dictate change control processes and the different steps that need to be completed to remain compliant.

Blog Feature

Payment Card Assessments

September 27th, 2022

If you hadn’t heard, NASA’s Artemis Program—the first endeavor to go back to the moon in 50 years—has stalled a bit. Though the new rocket—known as the Space Launch System—has been in the works for years, even now that it’s out on the pad and seemingly ready, the agency is taking its time to launch. That’s because NASA knows how high the stakes are—there are billions of dollars invested and their reputation as space explorers of the future is on the line.

Blog Feature

Payment Card Assessments | Compliance and Certification

February 6th, 2019

Introduction Welcome! In the upcoming series of articles (this is Part 1), I’ll be discussing some things to consider if you want to use Kubernetes to host an application that is subject to PCI DSS. I have been interested in containers for quite a while now and have recently had a lot of PCI DSS clients asking about Kubernetes. The concepts and controls in PCI DSS don't always translate well to a containerized environment which gave me the idea to write this series. The series will be split up into PCI DSS domains and I'll do my best to provide some discussion topics as well as demonstrations for each. Nothing in this series is a guarantee that you'll be compliant with PCI DSS; there are too many variables to consider. My hope is that this provides a good starting point for planning a migration onto Kubernetes.

Blog Feature

Payment Card Assessments

March 22nd, 2017

Executive Summary Docker is an advanced framework for deploying applications--in particular, cloud applications. It is notably different than working within traditional virtualization environments, and/or “standard” image-based cloud deployments at Amazon or Microsoft. With that comes opportunity for deployment engineers, but also challenges for security and compliance professionals. This post provides you with some perspective on technical architecture for Docker and specific use cases for configuring Docker containers for PCI compliance. Where I could, I provide screenshots and examples for a test Docker environment created for this purpose.

Blog Feature

March 9th, 2017

Codifying Your Configuration Standards If you have already gone through a PCI DSS, SOC, HIPAA/HITECH, or ISO assessment, you already know that detailed configuration standards are a must. If you haven’t been through one of these assessments …get ready for some serious typing!
