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The Schellman Blog

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Terry O’Brien is a Director with Schellman. He is responsible for the management and execution of engagements across multiple service lines. Since joining in 2013, Terry has participated in business development activities and supported practice development initiatives via his participation in both the SOC and Cybersecurity Task Force. Terry has 10 years of IT compliance and attestation experience. Prior to his time at Schellman, he worked in the Advisory Services division of Grant Thornton in Chicago, Illinois.

Blog Feature

SOC Examinations

November 19th, 2024

When planning for a SOC examination, there are several decisions that the service organization undergoing the evaluation must make in order to ensure their needs—as well as those of their customers—are met, be it deciding which vendors are subservice organizations, treatment of subservice organizations (carve-out vs. inclusive), or which type of report you need. Another key decision you must make is determining your SOC reporting period, and there are a few factors to consider before you do so.

Blog Feature

Assurance / Service Audits

October 10th, 2024

In an increasingly complex world that’s more reliant on interconnected information systems, meeting the challenge to achieve compliance with security standards may take a backseat to your striving for sustainable growth. But in fact, compliance initiatives can play a bigger role in that growth than you might assume—you just have to maximize your return on that investment.

Blog Feature

SOC Examinations

October 5th, 2015

When the Romans perfected aqueducts, those channels that transported fresh water from the source to established cities and towns became the backbone of those areas. Though the Romans were excellent civil engineers, the creation and implementation of aqueducts still required a lot of planning—projects could consist of different elements like pipes, tunnels, canals, and bridges, as well as combinations of these.
