September 10th, 2024
Maybe you’ve seen the recent headlines—recent ones include “AI’s Energy Demands Are Out Of Control” (Wired), “AI brings soaring emissions for Google and Microsoft” (NPR), “AI emissions are fueling a new doomerism. This time it’s climate change” (Fortune), and “Artificial Intelligence Can Make Companies Greener, but It Also Guzzles Energy” (Wall Street Journal). Given the abundance of such press, it certainly seems as if the growing prevalence of AI across all platforms has sparked some climate controversy.
Penetration Testing | Artificial Intelligence
Josh Tomkiel
August 28th, 2024
Did you recently implement a new artificial intelligence (AI) feature within your application and now your customers are starting to ask for AI-specific penetration tests? Are you curious as to how an assessment like that would work? As with all these exercises, it starts with scoping.
ISO Certifications | Artificial Intelligence
June 4th, 2024
While the rapid pace at which artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been both developing and impacting several areas of our daily lives continues, so do the concerns about the tech’s safety, privacy, and bias. As there’s no stopping the ongoing integration of AI, organizations are now wondering what they can do to ease those concerns, and the answer is simple—start with protecting your data.
Cybersecurity Assessments | Artificial Intelligence
Jerrad Bartczak
April 15th, 2024
In January 2024, the AI Governance Alliance—an arm of the World Economic Forum (WEF)— released a series of three papers covering several important artificial intelligence (AI) topics:
Cybersecurity Assessments | Artificial Intelligence
April 4th, 2024
Trying to keep up with the rapidly emerging and evolving governance of AI? Struggling to figure out how to address customer misgivings about your AI systems?
Cybersecurity Assessments | Artificial Intelligence
March 13th, 2024
NOTE: This blog was originally published on 3/24/2024 and has been updated as of 8/1/2024 now that the EU AI Act has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union and “enter[s] into force” 20 days thereafter, or on August 1, 2024.
Cybersecurity Assessments | Artificial Intelligence
Landon Inman
March 6th, 2024
Similar to the way the launch of the first satellite, Sputnik, both introduced a new technology era—the space race—and raised some alarm, the ongoing adoption of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to permeate industries worldwide, prompting questions of how cybersecurity will need to adjust to accommodate this huge new development.
ISO Certifications | Artificial Intelligence | ISO 42001
February 8th, 2024
Now that ISO 42001 has been published, organizations are looking more closely at possible adherence to this new standard for artificial intelligence (AI). But those familiar with established ISO standards will know that this new framework for regulating AI will be similarly rigorous and any opportunity to streamline certification—like a gap assessment—will be enormously advantageous.