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The Schellman Blog

Stay up to date with the latest compliance news from the Schellman blog.

Blog Feature

Cloud Computing | ISO Certifications | CSA STAR Program

July 14th, 2022

When making decisions about the kind of compliance your organization needs, the process can be akin to creating an ice cream sundae (albeit, less fun).

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity Assessments | Cloud Computing

May 11th, 2022

It was once remarked that “there are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds.”

Blog Feature

Cloud Computing | FedRAMP | Federal Assessments

By: Schellman
December 16th, 2021

If you’re a cloud service provider, you’re required to make it through the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) in order to receive Authority to Operate (ATO) in the federal marketplace which allows you to provide your services and products for use by the federal government. There are two different avenues you can take to achieve ATO—through the Joint Authorization Board (JAB) or through an agency.

Blog Feature

Cloud Computing | Compliance and Certification | Privacy Assessments

October 17th, 2016

According to a recent survey published by RightScale Inc., more than 90 percent of businesses use some form of cloud technology. The benefits of using the cloud are clearly undeniable, but that doesn’t mean getting set up and running on the proper solution for your organization is effortless.

Blog Feature

Cloud Computing | CSA STAR Program

July 12th, 2016

In the popular modern musical Hamilton, the titular character is given an opportunity by George Washington. Hamilton can stay on the front lines of the American Revolution, or he can become the general’s aide-de-camp. It’s a choice between gaining glory amidst the fighting or an office job with an opportunity to influence who would become our first president.

Blog Feature

Cloud Computing | FedRAMP | Federal Assessments

May 25th, 2016

Many cloud service providers (CSPs) are not fully addressing the database scanning requirements for FedRAMP and have questions related to database security and FedRAMP. This article details the issues associated with not meeting the database scanning requirement, the most common reasons why this occurs, what can be done to improve this and what to consider with database security beyond scanning.

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity Assessments | Cloud Computing

March 31st, 2016

Surprisingly, business leaders—not IT departments—are the driving force behind six out of 10 migrations to the cloud. These leaders are often bothered by the nagging question, “Is the cloud secure?” This question is usually followed by a series of debates about just how secure the cloud is.
