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Penetration Testing

Hardware & IoT Penetration Testing

"Hardware" or "IoT" penetration testing identifies vulnerabilities in an electronic device both on a standalone basis and as part of a larger network that may support cloud infrastructure, peer-to-peer networks, and interactions with third-party devices and hardware.

Contact a Specialist Start Scoping Your Next Pen Test

What Happens During a Penetration Test of Hardware or IoT Devices?

Penetration testers analyze your hardware devices and associated software in a manner that is both confidential and safe. The resulting lessons can be used to harden your devices to reduce the chances of a breach, or pinpoint weaknesses before they become too difficult to patch in the field.

Hardware or IoT Penetration Testing Can Help You...

Identify More Obscure Weaknesses in Your Security

Embedded hardware products often contain "low hanging fruit" or readily exploitable vulnerabilities that can lay dormant and undiscovered for years due to the specialized tools and skillset needed to target, acquire, analyze, and exploit modern hardware products.

Avoid Negative and Layered Fallout

Adversaries can also use these attacks to steal your service schemes both for financial gain and for anonymity or plausible deniability surrounding other illicit activities, which could create legal liability for your organization.

Schellman’s Hardware/IoT Penetration Testing Methodology

Our hardware hacking methodology involves the following steps:

1. Physical Inspection: We’ll perform a physical inspection of your device(s) and look for any obvious security weaknesses, such as open administration ports or accessible debugging interfaces. 

2. Reverse Engineering: We’ll then disassemble the device and study its components and circuitry to gain a better understanding of its architecture and functionality through techniques such as tracing signals, decoding communications protocols, and analyzing firmware. 

3. Identification of Attack Vectors: Based on what we’ve learned, we’ll identify potential attack vectors, such as insecure firmware updates, debug interfaces, or communications protocols. 

4. Exploitation: Afterwards, we’ll develop and execute proof-of-concept attacks to demonstrate the identified vulnerabilities.  

5. Analysis of Effects: Finally, we’ll study the effects of the exploitation, including any data leaks, unauthorized access, or system crashes. Our highly trained team will provide risk analysis for each issue identified as well as remediation guidance.

Is Schellman the Right Firm for You?

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a penetration test of hardware or IoT take?

What does a penetration test of hardware or IoT cost at Schellman?

Why is hardware/IoT penetration testing so important now?

Can I get hardware/IoT testing as a standalone service?

Take the first step to help harden your hardware device

Our team of practice leaders, not sales, are ready to talk and help determine your best next steps.

Start Scoping Your Penetration Test Contact a Specialist