
Schellman Ventures into AI Certification with ISO 42001: A New Era of Responsible Technology

Written by Schellman | Feb 8, 2024 9:39:02 PM

In an ever-evolving technological landscape, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. At Schellman, we've built our reputation on being pioneers in cloud security assessments, and today, we're excited to announce our latest venture: diving headfirst into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with ISO 42001 certification services.

But first, let's rewind a bit. Over a decade ago, we recognized the significance of cloud security assessments and were quick to provide our clients with actionable insights. Now, as AI evolves from just a trend to a fundamental reevaluation of how businesses leverage technology, we're ready to lead the charge once again.

ISO 42001, the groundbreaking international standard for Artificial Intelligence Management Systems (AIMS), is at the core of our new endeavor. This standard is designed to establish a structured framework for responsible AI development and usage, addressing challenges such as ethics, transparency, and continual learning and adaptation.

So why is ISO 42001 so important? In a world where AI is rapidly reshaping industries, having a structured approach like the one outlined in ISO 42001 ensures that we harness AI's power while maintaining ethical and transparent practices. It's about striking a delicate balance between innovation and governance, and ISO 42001 represents a significant milestone in achieving this balance.

As we officially submit our certification body application, we're thrilled to have Danny Manimbo, our ISO leader, spearheading not only our ISO 42001 practice but all of our AI solutions. Through collaboration with experts in software security, red teaming, and more, we're committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics and transparency every step of the way.

But our commitment doesn't stop there. We understand that organizations worldwide will be looking to align themselves with the ISO 42001 standard, and we're already prepared to help them navigate this journey. From conducting gap and readiness assessments to guiding them through the compliance process, we're dedicated to ensuring a seamless transition into this new era of AI management.

At Schellman, we see ISO 42001 as an exciting new territory, and we're eager to explore it with integrity and excellence. We invite you to ask us questions and join us on this dynamic and transformative journey into the future of technology. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of AI management, setting new standards along the way.